james's first game

squinting to see him –
another generation
sent to right field
- photo: Arthur Giacalone; poem originally published Roadrunner Haiku Journal (Issue V:4; Nov. 2005), tie for The Scorpion Prize; repub. in Baseball Haiku (Ed. Cor van den Heuvel, Nanae Tamura, W.W. Norton Press, 2007)
i realize that i'm littering your fine site with things i told myself i'd leave behind. what i didn't count on was the difficulty that existts in kicking any bad habit cold turkey. that being said, another outtake. this one written on july 23rd...
home run
a steroid stained hitter
points to the heavens
and this was written that same night...
amber waves of grain
the missing teeth
of a meth freak
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