I: 034
three minutes 'til
the New Year -- positioning
........................................ myself to kiss her
I: 033
December 30 --
two senryu short
this year
unless you count this one:regifting:
it's not just for
fruitcakes anymore
I: 032 [the re-gifted poet]
romance or revenge?
no gift card
with the dark chocolates
unwrapping a book --
the tiny coffee stain
I made last year
toasting the hostess -
hoping she's a widow
bonus from Issa,
translated by David G. Lanoue:
making the rounds
as a New Year's gift...
paper fan
New Year's gift of tea--
where did you go
on your jouney back to me?
I: 031
not yet new year's eve
the drug store pushes
valentine candy
I: 030
deflated santa
on the neighbor's roof -
her first smile since Christmas
I: 029
christmas nightcap --
mom and the kids clink glasses
of liquid fiber
alongside her bed
a cookie plate
and Santa's black boots
I: 028 [christmas 2005]
tsunami ?
our children awash in gifts
six wrinkled faces
around the Christmas feast -
I: 027 [right-e-ous anger]
furious -
that godless salesgirl
said "Happy Holidays!"
[for Steve Bainbridge]
I: 026
middle finger
.................... papercut . . .middle finger
I: 025 first day of winter
winter solstice
adolescent wiccans
flunk their spelling test
a candle
in every window --
strangers light our path
I: 024
re-do:who stole
Scarecrow's hat?
big smile on the Snowman
I: 023
it's coming back
clouds hide the solstice sun
newly-vacant house
the scarecrow
has no clothes
I: 022
single at Christmas
not enough to-do
to do
I: 021
3 P.M.mom's shoveling wakes
the cranky collegian
for related poems see they're baaack! bittersweet collegian homecomings
I: 020
wintry mix
Professor SUV
must have flunked physics
I: 019
P.M.which necklace
to buy her?
the salesgirl's clavicles
A.M.one more load
of laundry --
feeling mom's migraine
I: 018
december 14
ms. perfect has Christmas
wrapped and shipped
december 14 --
he's surfing the web
for last-minute deals
a few from last year:married a decade
she hides
the mistletoe
married a decade
he can't find
the mistletoe
wrapping and packing --
she pastes on
a Holiday smile
I: 017
my childhood
barber shop
only the mirror is changed
- click for bad hair day senryu -
I: 016
thin ice on the river
two fat kids
stow away their skates
I: 015
sunday snowmelt
her hairdryer curls
the comics section
0: 014
it wasn't
wine or women --
chocolate cake hangover
I: 013 [another birthday]
a day-long sequence:just me
and leftover birthday cake -
just me
[11:50 P.M.]
56 years old
no discount for the
Senryu Citizen
"you look much younger
than your twin" - a welcome
bit of birthday snow
solo practitioner --
birthday thoughts on
love and law
career choices
the pensions
that could have been
I: 012
contempt of court
the lawyer hopes Her Honor
can't read his mind
p.s. see today's f/k/a
I: 011
leaving the Chinese buffet
a tight band around
head and waist
I: 010
this is how
Elvis died --
mental note: eat more fiber
I: 009
revised edition:warming my feet
on my own legs --
the bed's half empty
1: 008
no facts --
the talking head says
"at the end of the day . . ."
- for my related commentary see let's put an end to "at the end of the day"no polls to quote:
the pol invokes
"the American people"
I: 007 [on the road]
scowling tailgater --
the urge
to slam on the brakes
Saturday sunrise:
the early alarm
I: 006
three inches of snow -
Safeway's out of milk and bread
bitter cold
before the solstice --
the weather man acts surprised
I: 005
between holidays -
tripping over
an almost-empty suitcase
[inspired by Dustin]